Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top 10 TV Shows of 2010: #6 Terriers

How many good shows did people not watch last year? Here's one more: Terriers. There has been discussions among the show's producers and critics that the name wasn't the best fit for the show. If you watch a few episodes you'll understand that its about two scrappy private investigators who do whatever they need to get things done. What probably didn't help it the most were the promos that ran before the show premiered of a terrier running around a beach. THAT definitely could have (and I'm sure did) confuse some and turned them off from watching the show. I mean who wants to watch a show about a dog (Lassie)?

Through the first few episodes I didn't think I liked this show that much. I really kept watching it for the character dynamic between Donal Logue and Michael Raymond-James who hands down had the best relationship on screen last year. I've never seen a show that could go from dead serious (literally) to funny with a random conversation about nothing. Sometimes I wished the show could spend more than half the time in their truck just chilling and talking, it was that good.

Before I knew it the show had become a lot more. It suddenly wasn't a serial case-of-the-week kind of show. There was a bigger picture, a much bigger picture, that put our two heroes more over their head than they could ever admit. Pieces from previous episodes that the viewer had written off as nothing that would be brought up again were coming back and fitting into this ultimate story arc. I didn't know what I was getting into but about half-way through the season Terriers went from two or three episodes sitting on my DVR to not being able to wait for it to record to watch it. Out of nowhere Terriers became the intense mystery that was missing from my TV schedule.

The critics all loved this show and I learned to as well. This show wasn't watched by many and won't be returning for a second season, but don't use that as an excuse not to watch it. If you have some time in between seasons of other shows pick this one up. It is 13 great episodes that has charcaters that you'll learn to love.

Contact Kevin

1 comment:

  1. Great show, bad advertising. I hated that all they did for it was use it to advertise that uninteresting Boxing show.
